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Host Your Game on Kongregate An open platform for all web games! Find documentation and support to get you started. Upload Your Game Our Publishing Program With our publishing program, we can help get your games to millions of users on multiple platforms!
Create Listings. Tired of ads on Kongregate? You can now be Ad-Free! That change in perspective as the story progresses keeps the player on their heels. Oftentimes, the shear ridiculousness of Teletubbies encountering these events all while simply being Teletubbies rescinds the horror as the glitches make players laugh even more in this, rather sinister, fanfiction.
Beyond the campaign Slendytubbies 3 has a fairly popular multiplayer element. Something not too far removed from the fear inducing Phasmophobia , mixed with a more traditional Left 4 Dead monsters vs. With the first-person camera angle being used, just like Among Us , there can be some wild, talked about in the moment and later discussed, episodic games.
This mode played with friends all laughing together at the absurdity of the concept and the tension of the gameplay can be an overall good time. This game falls under the graceful blanket that anything shared with friends, even watching grass grow, is usually a pretty good time. It is no easy task to make a game and write a story for said game. The mechanics, the scripting, dialogue, and idea all have to come together in some form.
And though Slendytubbies 3 feels in all the obscure sort of ways like a wild fanfiction, it still stands as two dissonant concepts blended together to make a completely original experience. Browse games Game Portals.
Slendytubbies 3. Install Game.