Battlestar galactica miniseries download free

A series of webisodes that tell the story of William Adama who as a youth uncovers a Cylon experiment while serving in the first Cylon War.

Votes: 3, A two-hour Battlestar Galactica special that tells the story of the Battlestar Pegasus several months prior to it finding the Galactica.

Votes: 22, The 10 webisodes, entitled "The Face of the Enemy," tell a story that takes place between seasons 4. Gaeta when he is sent off in a Raptor with a Not Rated min Action, Adventure, Drama. When the initial Cylon attack against the Twelve Colonies fails to achieve complete extermination of human life as planned, twin Number Ones Cavils embedded on Galactica and Caprica must improvise to destroy the human survivors.

Votes: 20, Two families, the Graystones and the Adamas, live together on a peaceful planet known as Caprica, where a startling breakthrough in artificial intelligence brings about unforeseen consequences.

Season 4 20 Episodes As season 4 begins, the last remnants of humanity continue their search for a new home. Social Reviews 2 Discussions A review by John Smith 9. Content Score Can't find a movie or TV show?

Login to create it. Global s focus the search bar. Help Help. Episodes Details. Episodes 2 Sort by Episode number Newest episodes Available to watch. Subtitles Subtitles.

Audio languages Audio languages. In a distant solar system, a human civilization is about to be wiped out. This is the broadband age, and bittorrent or a fiber like I finally got beats rtsp! Just give me the file! In the end we are done in by a clickable menu? Battlestar Galactica was a large carrier ship from the first war, as was in the process of a decommisioning celebration when the attack happend.

It was the only one that survived as it had resisting having any new computer components especially any networks installed on it, as was the protocol in the first war. This isn't entirely certain, btw.

There were battlestars, and only thirty of them were confirmed destroyed in the war. It's possible that some of the others may have escaped destruction somehow. For example, a few may have been in deep space when the attack happened, heard the reports that the Cylons were somehow "deactivating" all the craft that they encountered, and stayed away from the colonies to avoid destruction.

Mostly speculation, of course, but it's not farfetched speculation. There may be more comments in this discussion. Without JavaScript enabled, you might want to turn on Classic Discussion System in your preferences instead. The primary function of the design engineer is to make things difficult for the fabricator and impossible for the serviceman.

Do you develop on GitHub? You can keep using GitHub but automatically sync your GitHub releases to SourceForge quickly and easily with this tool so your projects have a backup location, and take advantage of SourceForge's massive reach. Also available are deleted scenes from the series. Is this a ploy by the SciFi channel to grow a viewer base as well as loyalty, or an extremely bold move since the series isn't even out on DVD yet?

Hopefully it's both. In either case, I believe this is unprecedented, especially since season 1 hasn't even concluded here in the states. Bravo SciFi. Keep 'em coming! This discussion has been archived. No new comments can be posted. Full Abbreviated Hidden. More Login. For download? Score: 5 , Informative. Share twitter facebook. Re:For download? Score: 5 , Insightful.

BG doesn't air where i live, and i keep hearing about how good the show is - so the idea of watching it for free and legally appealed to me a lot. I hate RealMedia with passion though. This is still a remarkable thing - i just hoped it was something i could watch outside a tiny window.

Parent Share twitter facebook. Score: 2 , Insightful. Perhaps I'm confused, but it's my understanding that it's NOT specifically illegal to record, and trade, television shows, provided that no money changes hands. I managed to grab the whole series, through ep. Watched every single one of them on a single sunday several weeks back. And p. Score: 2. Ohh, goodie! I really liked Firefly Yes, you are confused. It's not specifically illegal, but dipping babies in vats of liquid mercury isn't specifically illegal either.

One is a kind of copyright infringement, and the other is a kind of murder, and those two things are illegal. Whether you earn money directly is irrelevant, theoretically. Exchanging cash money isn't really a factor for many definitions of criminality- besides prostitution. Practically, the exchange of money creates further legal jeopardy, because it leaves an undeniable trail of evidence, and the appearance of greed will make a jury less sympathetic to you. Even recording for your own use is a copyright infringement, except that it has been found to be a permissible Fair Use.

However, if you watch it more than once, that's illegal again. Lending a VHS tape to a friend is illegal too, although it's such a minor offense that no one would bother to press charges. Because it's a slow process of physical transmission, you are unable to commit nearly as many illegal acts as a megabit P2P operation can. Digital data transmission renders the infringement fast enough to endanger the TV-advertising revenue model.

Well, provided that you are correct, then I'm going to have to say that I don't give a rat's ass. These shows are offered to anyone with the hardware to view them. If my recording of a television show is "fair use", then watching a downloaded copy and recording the original myself and then watching it are the same thing with the exception of who did the recording. And regardless of what the law specifically says, I say it's entirely fair and will act accordingly.

And before you go talking about avoiding commercials, let me ask you: if the downloaded copies of these retained the original commercials, would it matter to you or the law? Then it's a bogus issue. I'm not going into a movie theatre and taping a movie, I'm watching shows recorded from what are essentially freely available transmissions. And copyright lawyers aside, I'll keep doing so, with a clean conscience.

Score: 3 , Interesting. Score: 2 , Informative. The problem with liquid mercury is that even a quick dip fills up your skin pours and this your skin can't breath.

Death quickly follows this. While direct exposure to Merc is not good for you in any sense, old issues of NatGeo have pictures of people handling liquid mercury and even a photo of an ore miner sitting on top of a pool of liquid mercury - it's that dense. Mercury doesn't "fill your pores" - it's very cohesive and your hand is dry when you lift it out of a pool.

Score: 2 , Flamebait. Lending a VHS tape to a friend is illegal too,. Score: 3 , Informative. Where the hell are you getting this, anyway? Private performance is not part of copyright; you can do it as much as you want. So if you lawfully record it, i.

Of course, watching it a lot might indicate that it was a commercial subst. Copyright is about restricting the right to copy works of art. Recording telivision shows for home use was judged to NOT infringe on copyright by the supreme court in sony vs Universal Studios. If I have a copy that I legally obtained, where in copyright law does it state that I can't view it multiple times? This blog entry [oreillynet. I strongly dislike Real Player too.

Especially after accidently installing that Google toolbar I think. So I finally uninstalled it. How that would work with current players, I don't know, but maybe someone could explain it to me. To quote Shakespeare, "and lastly, they are lying knaves. Total FUD Score: 2. I have never had a problem playing windows media, aac, or quicktime files in Linux. In fact, most the trouble I've had has come from Real Media files.

Score: 2 , Funny. Could have sworn that this was posted here at Slashdot a few days ago. Nah, couldn't have been. Must have read that somewhere else. The crack squad of editors here at Slashdot wouldn't let something slip through the cracks and be posted twice I don't like "this is a dupe" posts.

I don't see the point, since by definition if you didn't already know, you don't care because it isn't a dupe for you. Well has anybody ripped and mirrored this yet? Dupe Score: 2 , Informative. More like CowboyDupe! Nice Score: 3 , Interesting.


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