This Post-Frame Design Manual, for the first time, sets forth in one document, the post-frame design criteria that is today backed up by sound and widely accepted engineering practice. At the time of its publication, the United States was governed by three differing building codes — since then codes have been unified as the IBC International Building Code.
Now in its sixth edition a new version is published every three years , the IBC has made many changes in the way Registered Design Professionals engineers and architects approach structural design solutions for wind, snow and seismic forces.
The second edition of the manual—and the first new edition since —is the ultimate tool for post-frame design. Eight chapters, pages, and hundreds of photos, diagrams, illustrations and design tables cover everything you need to know about designing with post frame. The Post-Frame Building Design Manual , second edition, is a must-have for anyone who works with — or is considering working with — post-frame construction.
Hansen Pole Buildings has been honored by inclusion of one of our buildings on the cover of the new manual. In fact, it is in the center of the three completed buildings pictured! The new edition is much improved over the first one and is much more relevant to current Building Codes. Your email address will not be published.
To revise your building details or speak to a building designer, call during business hours. Expect your quote completed within 48 hrs or call for expedited service. If you would like to provide more detailed building information to allow us to provide you a more accurate quote please click on the 'Continue' button below.
However, you can still request a quote! Please try our other quote request form available here , or call us toll free at during business hours. If you decide to call us, please let us know about this error described above. Thank you, we look forward in helping you build a quality pole barn. Chasing Your Building Dream There are lots of folks just like you who are out Recently I read a thread in a discussion group whe Click here if you have technical questions on post-frame building.
NFBA provides members with free information and answers to your post-frame building questions. Email your technical questions to technical nfba. For more detailed answers to questions about the IBC and how to design and engineer post-frame buildings, you may submit your inquiry in the Contact Us section of this website.
Building professionals may also attend the annual Frame Building Expo , a convention and trade show hosted by the National Frame Building Association. The Expo holds hours and hours of education designed with builders and designers in mind. Classes and workshops include diaphragm design, life-cycle analysis for post frame, construction safety, and building code basics. Order your digital or printed copy here. Discover the Many Benefits. Technical Resources. This guide can be extremely helpfull The new guide provides a comprehensive overview of the structural design process for non-diaphragm post frame buildings.
Once you locate the file, right click it and extract the zip file. When the installation is complete, the program will launch. Click here if you have technical questions on post-frame building NFBA provides members with free information and answers to your post-frame building questions Email your technical questions to technical nfba. Zulovich, Ph. Let it snow! Let it snow?!? By Aaron J. Halberg, P. Holstein, PhD, and David R. Gatchalian, Khoi D.
Mai, and Donald A. Mai, PhD, Donald A. Technical Resources This content is for Members Only. Member Non-Member Customer.