However, what may happen to your relationships? Your health and well-being? Are you having fun along the way? The key is to find the balance and that is the beauty of the Wheel. To do this, you want to grow your Wheel, not balance your Wheel by trading off in some areas of your life. The Wheel of Life exercise is the perfect starting point for goal-setting and this is why so many life coaches, career coaches and executive coaches use it as a tool.
You now have a visual snapshot of how satisfied you are in different areas of your life. Through reflection, you have now identified your biggest gaps between where you are now and where you would like to be.
What are the specific actions or steps that you are going to take to enhance your satisfaction in your desired area? Write what you will do down on the same piece of paper that your Wheel is on.
Keep your Wheel close by in a place that you can easily refer to on a daily basis. Track your progress! The Wheel provides a snapshot in time of your satisfaction levels and ultimately happiness. Complete the Wheel on a regular basis so you can easily track your progress.
I recommend at least once every 6 months, depending on what your goals are and when you have aimed to achieve them. Get access to the Success Starter Toolkit and download the Wheel of Life templates, supporting guide and action plan. How was your Wheel of Life? What sticks out for you? Do you know what you need to do create balance or expand your Wheel? Share your thoughts and comments below!
I look forward to the conversation! If you liked this article, I would greatly appreciate it if you shared it with someone who can also get some value from it. Simply use one of the buttons below! Download the self-assessment tool that has kick-started the personal development and success journey helped over 1,, people worldwide. Brendan Baker is Australia's leading personal development blogger and and helps people build and grow online businesses based on their passions.
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By looking at a visual representation of all the areas of your life at once, the wheel helps you to better understand which of your life areas are flourishing and which ones need the most work.
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