Google drive download as pdf

Input directory added. Git stats 6 commits. Failed to load latest commit information. Jun 19, Initial commit. Jun 12, Added Method 1 and Method 2. View code. Features Lets you to download high quality PDF files. Saves all pages individually inside a directory called Pages. Fast download speed.

Being a cloud application, sometimes it becomes difficult for Drive users to access documents in the unavailability of Internet connection such as in Plane and building with a bad internet connection.

To handle such scenarios many users wish to download all documents from Google Drive onto their system for local access. Saving new documents and finding them is getting quite difficult.

I want to download all documents from Google drive on my computer for Offline access and clear the space from my Drive. Is there a fast way to do that? The Google drive will download all selected document files into a single zip file. However, sometimes, users face some errors while downloading data from Google drive. It got even worse when I started making thousands of sharable links, individually. The amount of time this application saves pays for itself in not time.

No, really. They are all limited to the same drawbacks as that method, with one added extra drawback that scares the business owner side of me to death. Because these methods are online websites, they are ultimately insecure.

By posting your personalized link onto a website, which is using JavaScipt one of the easiest programming languages, and not in a good way you are opening your file up for anyone who has access to that website to see, or, anyone who knows how to alter Java ie. G-Drive Linker not only gives you added features that the other online options do not, but it is also the only offline application that can generate these direct links for you.

That right. The basic functionality of G-Drive Linker can be completed offline. In fact, you can even set it to Offline mode in the menu settings. Its that simple. Another great thing about G-Drive Linker is that the trial version offers full functionality for single use download links, including Files, Docs, Sheets and Slides.

Basically, the trial version gives you more than the free online generators, with the added protection of knowing your files are safe. If you only need to create a direct link once in a blue moon the trial should be all you ever need. Want to see what an export looks like? Go ahead, double check and see for yourself.

All of those links were generated in less than 5 seconds. Pretty nifty! There are many reasons why you might want to have a direct download link to your Google Drive documents, and there are ways to accomplish this task. Editing the URL yourself can cost you valuable time. Using online converters can compromise your data to hackers and other users. There is only one application available that converts these Google Drive sharable links securely, in bulk, with folders, docs, slides, sheets, and does it instantly, without leaving your files venerable to web-attacks.

G-Drive Linker is a cheap, cost effective way to save you time and keep your files safe inside of Google Drive with the functionality of a Direct Download Link. If you do not need the full version, the trial version has you covered as well. With more functionality than the insecure online generators, there is no reason not to use G-Drive Linker. The trial is free and has the option to work completely offline. No other direct download link generator offers that.

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