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This original system is full of Kenton's typical psychology, secret symbolic clues and hidden influence. It is both esoteric and entirely pragmatic, based upon psychology proved over the ages by countless therapists and influential healers of all kinds.
Best of all, you will be able to learn how to perform this easily , virtually overnight. Most readings systems require memorization, daring, learning stock lines, or difficult study to be effective.
This system will work for you without fear or worry, and without making difficult decisions or adjustments. The system is so simple and direct you will know immediately what to say, and all you need to say is right in front of you during your reading!
It really could not be easier. You get all five downloads, complete with charts and handouts to print and use for your reading. If you cannot find colored glass, gems, or marbles you may use colored markers or pencils instead. We do not supply these as they do not download well And it would make this system far more costly. You will be fascinated by this system and how it works. It is based in part on an oft-forgotten teaching in Wonder Words, taught completely for the first time in this system , along with subconscious meaning and symbolism If you could observe Kenton in daily life you would see that he himself uses a part of this system constantly.
We are sure you will too. The Gemstone Hand Readings can also be used as a short interlude or quick example to advertise any other reading you do, such as more traditional palm readings. It is also a great way to begin readings, although it can be a full-blown reading system on its own, if you prefer. A great price for a memorable, easy to use and novel reading system from Kenton Kenton Knepper, has developed a new reading system called Gemstone Hand Readings, and it is very good!
I have been road testing this system for a couple of weeks now, and it is well received by my sitters. A friend allowed me to do these readings in his coffee shop here in central NJ. This system uses colorful, aesthetically pleasing items and that attracted people to my table. More on that a little later. Whether you have never done a reading before or you are an old pro, this system has something to offer.
The versatility of the system allows you to stick to the basics or go as far as you and the sitter might like.
Also, there are 9 pages of charts for the system.