Download willow companion mod

A recent addition to the FAQ says that the Willow companion mod is not compatible with TTW because it interferes with the player's ability to leave Doc Mitchell's house after traveling to the Mojave. I think what was happening was that Doc Mitchell was asking the player to "sit down" and answer questions relating to the establishment of perks, traits and tag skills instead of leading the player to the door and returning the player's gear.

I believe LllamaRCA's lastest version, released today fixes that issue. At least it has based on my testing.

MariofanThat was my experience too, but it is now in the FAQ as a mod not compatible with TTW, and concerns were expressed about that in her Nexus mod thread.

Anyway, it has been fixed so that Doc does not try to get you to "sit down" and answer his stupid questions. Post by RoyBatty » Sat Jul 11, am. I have checked the bug fix, seems to be corrected now. We'll mentioned to be sure and get the update in the FAQ because it's not part of the main package and people use NMM to download and never look at the files tab.

Post by deadboy » Sat Jul 11, pm. It's still early in the AM here, but wouldn't this require getting Willow before you've naturally travelled to the mojave? The mojave being the only place that you can recruit her? Am I missing something? Post by Thenryb » Sat Jul 11, pm.

Why that happened is unknown, but has now been fixed. That's so weird. I don't doubt it's real, I just think its weird that I've never had the problem. Thats why I assumed it was due to early Mojave travel then whatever. Super weird. I have had Willow forever myself.

In my first ttw run, I used the train no early travel and had to be a decent level to get to the station and do that. He is well made, different, useful, and funny.

Probably my second favorite Companion Mod. Early on, I really liked Vanessa, despite the crazy cost of recruiting her. She does something nothing else in the game does, she explains how companions and the companion wheel works!

She totally Deadpools this and breaks the 4th wall. She tells you how to use the companion wheel and how if you give her food she will eat it to heal, but she will never drink a Sunset Sarsaparilla because of Star caps, etc. Some of the things she tells me about I had to learn about the hard way, you know, when they ate the things I wanted to save.

Her look is great, and her voicing is too. Plus she can shoot! Girl is beast with her gun. Her first and main quest takes forever to progress because you either have to get to Freeside or the Boomers. Interestingly I got to the person she was talking about in Freeside and I didn't see any options pertaining to her. Maybe I glitched. The quest is to help her with her heart condition, and you need to find a book on the subject and then subsequently a surgeon.

Through this point things weren't so bad, she was a bit tight lipped about herself and family and such but maybe that's her character, that's fine. Once the quest with the heart surgery is done though things get a bit odd. Whoever wrote the text accompanying her voice must have had English as a secondary language, because ow!

It hurt my eyes more and more frequently toward the end. Then the last quest gets all strange at the end and she gets angry with you for no apparent reason and says you can't be friends because you are just going to want to have sex with her all the time. She also assumes your character is a guy, even if it's not, there is no alternate coding as far as I can see, unless again, it's a glitch.

At this point her reasoning and dialog don't make a lot of sense. I finished it out but I felt kind of confused and cheated like the character that I really enjoyed in the beginning was broken now and not the same person I knew. Also before this there were two scenes they put in where they added music to.

One during the surgery, and one where she danced for you in the Atomic Wrangler. The music is some kind of modern alternative or metal type thing that doesn't belong in the game at all and is very off putting. Then there later being an option to reference a Hole song, and when I say reference I mean in the dialog options, while talking to her you can say "do you know that band "Hole.

I don't mind easter eggs to the real world when done right, but these are not right. All in all I like pre-surgery Vanessa, and believe she is worth a shot. Mostly because she can shoot things with that awesome gun, and her comments are fun sometimes. Oh and if you have Cass in your party at the same time they are designed to play off each others dialogs. It's quite amusing at times. But she rapidly drops downhill in design and reasoning after the surgery, which should have been a fade to black scene and wasn't!

So if you can tolerate her random collapses, even when you are trying to talk to her, team her up with Cass and don't do her main quest. But do get her guitar, it's amusing too. If I play her again, that what I will do, run with Cass and not fix her heart. Oh Delilah! Great concept all around. She is a young girl who was partially raised by her uncle who was a medicine man tribal and has been given a bit of medical training by both him and Doc Mitchell.

She is another one you can pick up in Goodsprings. She is in the house next to the General Store where that guy is always working in the yard. Her main quest is all about helping her improve her craft. She wants more medical training so she can be a full doctor one day. She has 4 chems she can make that are added by the mod and are very unique.

She will make them so long as you can provide her with the ingredients, not all of which are easy to come by. As you take her along her quest and take her to different doctors to train with she will learn how to do various things for you.

The more she learns the more of a walking, talking, free clinic you have following you. She can learn to cure poisons, addictions, heal you to full, and set bones. If you have a medicine of 50 or higher you can teach her a thing or two as well, and she will jump her skill up 15 points.

She has a side mission that isn't marked as a quest but is put in your notes. It takes her about two days to read it, and don't worry she doesn't become useless at this time, everything really just happens as normal, you just can give her a new book while shes reading one. When she finishes reading the book she has a particular S. Well, with most books. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas gave her the Day Tripper Perk instead of a stat bonus, which while I think it is appropriate for the book, I don't see it as useful to Delilah.

One of the books, Flowers for Algernon, is located in Deadwind Caverns, which is a Deathclaw nest in a cave. It's very difficult and scary, there is even a Legendary though I was able to avoid him and still get the book.

That book increases her Luck by 1. The only real downsides are because she is primarily an intelligence based companion similar to Arcade Gannon she isn't the best in combat and can't carry a lot. Plus her carry weight is taken up by medical supplies, ingredients, and the books you find for her. Her random dialog lines are few and quite repeated, plus she doesn't have a while lot of location commentary. But the most annoying thing of all, her voicing.

It's less the voice and more the poor quality sound of her voice. You kind of get used to it. But if you simply can't stand it there is actually an alternate voice mod out there that replaces her voice line for line with another, less annoying one. I think she is totally worth it , adds a lot to the experience, and is super helpful to have around to keep you alive.

I will probably play with her from now on, but next time I'm gonna try out the alternate voice mod for sure. That being said, she is my 3rd place, just slightly behind Niner.

If there was anything more than the one initial quest to Desmond, I never saw it. Considering you don't encounter him until the Atomic Wrangler in Freeside I expected a doozey of a quest line.

It's pretty much go take vengeance on this one Fiend for killing my friend. There are a lot of Fiends outside and inside but it's not worse than most other Fiend encampments.

It has more loot. What line of dialog he has were either depressing, pessimistic, or hateful. I found him to be a downer with no real purpose. After I got to a point where I was pretty sure there wasn't going to be another quest or it would have shown up by now, I ditched him. Maybe I missed something, maybe I glitched, but somehow I think I didn't. I don't think he's worth the download , unless I just missed a huge chunk of what he is about somehow. I won't play him again though. You meet him at the , and he says he's a bounty hunter who has lost his bounty, and you can convince him to join up with you and you both go after it together.

He is created by someguy who has a whole amazing series of quest mods known as the someguy series. Russell has topically, intelligent commentary on just about everywhere in the Wasteland, and also on any other someguy content. He is a bounty hunter so he is good with a gun. Supposedly there is a key close by, which I didn't find. That makes sense. Following his bounty quest line is very long and takes you into some extremely dangerous areas, some of which were created by someguy.

He even created an entire zone where the NCR is trying to settle but are having trouble with tribals and there are little quests. It's all very well done and very involved. There is a big battle in the town that you can take part in and I glitch out every time so I am unable to complete it or his quest line. Someguy posted a workaround but I can't get that to work either. Being unable to ever finish the quest I can't give a full review but I still think it's worth it.

He is good with a gun, and while he may be foul mouthed and slightly pessimistic he actually is a good guy when you get talking to him. Some of this is only shown as you progress his quest line, he will talk to you about choices you have made. While he is not a fan of the NCR he doesn't hate them or their people, Legion however, he detests. They were not kidding. Willow is one of the most detailed, well designed companions there is, she is my favorite.

She has a full story, fleshed out personality, lots of comments both random and topical, and will become your best friend. Not an exaggeration, that's what her quest does, you earn "Happy Points" with her for doing things and you can become her "BFF.

You can also earn points by giving her little gifts, which you can only figure out by the random things she talks about. There is also a series of random collectibles you can find a give her, as well as a series of bears. You can only give her one item a day so don't wast it on the non-collectibles if you have one of the uniques in you inventory. The two collectible series are set up like challenges, and in addition to those two you can also give her Gecko meat and Pencils, though the pencils you have to give her all at once.

Most everything is explained in game. One thing of note, you don't get anything extra that I noticed if you get all the bear or random collectibles. You first meet her at a tent just before you get to the Nipton Road Rest stop. She asks you to help her recover three items. She isn't a full companion until you get her gun back for her. She is good with a gun and great at cooking.

The 3rd Bungalow at Novac is opened up and you can rent it for caps, you can set her home marker there. It's got a sortomatic set up for your items as well as several options buttons for Willow. In the Bungalow or the tent you found her in you can get her too cook things for you if you have the ingredients. Aside from her initial quest and challenges there is an optional romance quest which if completed will turn into full on Willow nudity followed by a blackout scene.

There is also a quest to plants some things in front of the Bungalow. She has lots of dialog options but not overwhelmingly so. You can set up different outfits for her to wear inside the Bungalow and talk to her anytime about switching them. As you finish quests and challenges you will be given unique rewards. There are just so many things to her it's amazing.

She even recognizes when you have been together for an in-game month and gives you a gift for your anniversary! One of the earliest gifts you get from her is a hat that matches hers. It's called the Smooth Talker Hat. It is super useful, especial early on when you haven't spent a lot of skill points yet.

One of the more interesting quest bits is her unarmed skill. She will tell you she can't fight unarmed at all, and if she doesn't have a gun, with ammo, she will run away in the beginning of the game.

She gives you a quest that lets her improve upon that skill. If your unarmed is high enough you can teach her some things as well. You can also give her the unarmed skill mags and books and she will read them and learn. The quest finishes when her Unarmed skill hits You get a pair of unique spiked knuckles out of it too. She loves to cook and is good at it, as I mentioned, but she loves it so much she likes to make new recipes.

She already has quite a few unique recipes to begin with, including her Dog biscuits. She will give you a shopping quest, there are 3 merchants she wants to visit, once you complete it she will tell you she needs to make regular visits to them to try making new recipes. Anytime I'm close by one I be sure to stop in for her. I've only gotten one recipe out of it but at least it's proof it works. Sometimes she might not talk to the merchant and if that's the case, talk to her, she will want to borrow 20 caps to shop with.

There is also a dog you can buy. She talks about a dog she lost to Geckos, thus the recipe for dog biscuits and the hatred for Geckos. You get to a point where you can buy a dog named J. He may just be a dog and not give you a perk, but it's another companion to fight at your side and carry stuff, also he makes Willow happy. There is so much about her I'm probably missing things.

But she is so involved and well designed that I really feel more attachment to her and empathy towards her character than probably any other companion or character in the whole game, mod or not. She is great, the only time she might not be is if you are anti-NCR, because she is from the NCR, and she will warn you about that.


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