Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! Topics densha de go , trains , unbalance , taito Language Japanese. Includes guide and no-CD crack. There are no reviews yet. Uploaded by zeether7 on May 10, Internet Archive's 25th Anniversary Logo. Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. User icon An illustration of a person's head and chest. Exclusive to the Nintendo DS, reportedly the controls are completely stylus driven, unlike the variety of custom controls offered in non-handheld versions.
This included versions that had buttons, levers, and pedals to suggest real-world train controllers, including traditional brake-and-throttle train controllers, 'mascon'-type controllers single lever for throttle and brake , shinkansen controllers, and tram controllers ostensibly similar to the traditional brake-and-throttle style, but with different styling.
One of the most extravagant controllers for the Densha de Go! The Shinkansen Controller comes with a LED screen display of speed and controls, and a foot pedal to blow the horn. Unlike some of the other controllers, The Type 2 Controller is compatible with most titles. Overview [ edit edit source ] Each Densha de Go title contains actual train or tram routes based on real services in Japan.
The current state of the franchise [ edit edit source ] The last major title in the series, Densha de Go Final! Post navigation Schope Vst Free Download. There is the option of using a simulated 'master controller' on the screen or using touchscreen buttons to move the lever up and down. This included versions that had buttons, levers, and pedals to suggest real-world train controllers, including traditional brake-and-throttle train controllers, 'mascon'-type controllers single lever for throttle and brake , shinkansen controllers, and tram controllers ostensibly similar to the traditional brake-and-throttle style, but with different styling.
One of the most extravagant controllers for the Densha de Go! The Shinkansen Controller for the PS2 comes with a LED screen display of speed and controls and a foot pedal to blow the horn, whereas the Shinkansen Controller for the Wii lacked these features, replacing the LED screen with a representative sticker.
The Wii version of this controller commands much higher prices than the PS2 version only by virtue of relative rarity. The Type 2 Controller is compatible with most titles.
A doujin manga and game series, Densha de D , is a parody crossover of the series in combination with the auto racing-based franchise Initial D ; it is popularly associated with a meme regarding 'multi-track drifting'. Search for:. Taito There are several titles in the surprisingly popular Densha de Go franchise, which is a set of Japanese train simulators, and for any fans of things like A-Train and Railroad Tycoon, they make for an entertaining time.
PC or PS1? I'm guessing PS1 because of the cool peripherals? Far better, some of the Train Simulator games even borrow the user interface and mechanics from Densha de Go. The repetitive videos and original game mechanics of TS can be pretty boring compared to the arcadeness and awesome graphics of DDG. After 16 years of absence, Densha de Go! Just found out one of those. Maybe it works on the PC with the adaptator Not as good as the arcade controls, i guess, but it can be interesting The same guy was selling a 3-buttons Virtua Fighter arcade stick that would be perfect for shmups, they were placed like [ :.
Totally cool to see this thread. Been addicted to Densha De Go! Professional 2. Since I don't know Japanese, and this is really my first in the series I've spent a lot of time with, to unlock routes, you need to complete all in a region and line first? Or are there no lines to unlock? Still haven't played any DdG! I'd been eyeing up some Saturn version some time ago.
Eventually didn't buy it. Am I drunk. Try better listening to some Rei Harakami. He works very well with those games as background music, imo.